Al Musalla Bus Station Ajman

Al Musalla Bus Station Ajman

The Al Musalla Bus Station is a key transportation hub in Ajman, United Arab Emirates. It serves as a departure point for several bus routes within Ajman, including the Al Jurf Line, Industrial Line, and Hamidiya Line. Passengers can travel to various destinations in the emirate from this station. While information on exact amenities or opening hours is limited, it’s known to be operational from early morning to around 11:20 or 11:30 pm based on available bus route timings.

Map of al Musalla bus station ajman

Public Transit to Al Musalla Mobile in Sharjah

Al Musalla Mobile is located on شارع الفضل بن علي عباس street in Sharjah. You can get there by taking buses E303, E303A, E306, E307A, or E400. The nearest bus stop is Rolla Square Bus Stop, which is a 13-minute walk away.

You can use the Moovit app or website to find the best route and live directions to Al Musalla Mobile. The app also provides information on prices and fares for public transportation.

Public transit lines with stations closest to Al Musalla Mobile in Sharjah

The closest bus stop to Al Musalla Mobile in Sharjah is Sheikh Saqr Bin Khalid Al Qasimi St. Stop, which is a 10-minute walk away. The following bus lines stop at this station:

  • Bus – 8

The next closest bus stop is Rolla Square Bus Stop, which is a 13-minute walk away. The following bus lines stop at this station:

  • Bus – 3

How much is bus from Ajman to Dubai?

Cost: The bus fare from Ajman to Dubai typically ranges from AED 5 to AED 20, depending on the operator and distance.

Which bus station is from Dubai to Ajman?

Bus Stations: Buses to Dubai depart from several stations in Ajman, including:
Ajman Bus Station
Etisalat Bus Station 17
Al Helio General Bus Station

Can I pay cash to bus in Ajman?

Cash Payment: Yes, you can pay cash for bus fares in Ajman.

Is bus available from Ajman to Abu Dhabi?

Availability: Yes, buses are available from Ajman to Abu Dhabi. These are mostly indirect routes with transfers.