Discovery Garden Metro Station Dubai

Discovery Gardens Metro Station isn’t just one station, but actually two! They are both located on the Red Line of the Dubai Metro’s Expo City Dubai branch, serving the Discovery Gardens area and surrounding neighborhoods. These stations opened in January 2021 to provide convenient access to public transportation for Discovery Gardens residents.

The station is located on an elevated section of the metro above Gardens Boulevard (D591), on the southwest boundary of Discovery Gardens, just southeast of the junction with Al Asayel Street (D72). It is a modern and well-equipped station with features such as air conditioning, escalators, and elevators.

  • Location: Discovery Gardens, Jebel Ali, Dubai, UAE
  • Coordinates: 25.03528°N 55.14541°E
  • Operator: Dubai Metro
  • Line: Red Line (Expo 2020 branch)
  • Platforms: 2
  • Tracks: 2
  • Connections: RTA Dubai
  • Station code: 71
  • Fare zone: 2
  • Opened: January 1, 2021
Discovery Garden Metro Station Dubai
Preceding stationFollowing station
Al FurjanThe Gardens

Map of discovery garden metro station

Nearby Metro Station

  • Bus stations: Discovery Garden 8 – 1 (3 min walk)
    • Ibn Battuta Metro Bus Stop
  • Bus lines: F43

Public Transit to Discovery Gardens

  • Live directions and maps: Get step-by-step guidance from the nearest station.
  • Real-time schedules and timetables: See how long it takes to get there and plan your trip accordingly.
  • Nearest stops and stations: Find the most convenient option close to your destination.
  • Alternative routes and times: Explore different options to reach Discovery Gardens faster or at your preferred time.
  • All-in-one app: No need for separate bus or train apps; Moovit covers everything.

The app also provides information on:

  • Fares and costs: Check ticket prices for buses and metro to Discovery Gardens.
  • Popular places: Find directions to various important locations in Dubai.

Public transit lines with stations closest to Discovery Gardens in Dubai

  • Bus – Discovery Garden 8 – 1: This bus stop is the nearest to Discovery Gardens, and it is only a 3-minute walk away.
  • Bus – F43: This bus line runs from Ibn Battuta Metro Station to Discovery Gardens. The Ibn Battuta Metro Bus Stop is the closest stop to Discovery Gardens on this line, but it is still a bit of a walk away (about 58 minutes).

Where is Discovery Garden Metro Station?

The Discovery Garden Metro Station is located in Discovery Gardens, Dubai. The commute distance is 4,821 km, and it should take approximately two days and 13 hours by car. You can see the directions here.

What time is Dubai Metro today?

Monday to Thursday: 5:00 AM to 12:00 AM (Midnight)
Friday: 5:00 AM to 1:00 AM (Next day)
Saturday: 5:00 AM to 12:00 AM (Midnight)
Sunday: 8:00 AM to 12:00 AM (Midnight)

How many metro lines are there in Dubai?

Red Line: The Red Line stretches along the city from the Jebel Ali area to the border with Sharjah. It passes through several tourist attractions such as the Mall of the Emirates, The Dubai Mall and Burj Khalifa.
Green Line: The Green Line, on the other hand, stays within the old Dubai area. It passes through many historical sites, such as the Dubai Museum, the Gold Souk, and the Spice Souk, among others.